provide COVERAGE for families coping with multiple care crises

caregivers of 
2+ people provide
hours of care for their loved ones each week.
potential annual market
for “care overload” insurance
Multiple care challenges can impact the whole family and can make it hard to stay afloat. Think of families with two older aging parents who both have care needs, or the growing number of sandwich generation families navigating caring for children and aging parents. Current care insurance offerings primarily focus on individual protection (e.g., long-term care, disability insurance, etc.) rather than family-centric policies that account for multiple pressures.
There are over
sandwich generation caregivers, those caring for their children and parents simultaneously. THEY are at risk of facing multiple care crises at once, causing both financial and emotional strain.
What if there was a family-oriented insurance offering that helped not only care recipients, but also those providing care? While families can often absorb one care need, simultaneous multiple qualifying medical events (e.g., broken hip, surgery, etc.) can quickly become untenable. Care overload insurance could help families address these multiple qualifying events, to take care of themselves and each other.

let's build…

A flexible care overload insurance product that supports families when caring for two loved ones.

Key features

  • The care insurance shown above offers a payout of a predetermined amount if two immediate relatives have qualifying care/ medical events.
  • This offering is ideal for the needs of the sandwich generation, and provides caregivers with financial peace of mind.
  • A benefit like care overload insurance affords caregivers the ability to pay for care support rather than having to do all of the care themselves. This can be the difference between caregivers staying in or leaving the workforce.


  • When tested with consumers, “care overload insurance” could offer a ~$1-3B potential annual market as new product revenue.
  • We estimate a potential market-size of 3-5M caregivers would buy care overload insurance.
  • This new product could also be an opportunity to build deeper trust with current customers and can help to differentiate a brand.
of caregivers reported 
that “care overload 
insurance” would be useful.
Source: 5,000-person consumer survey, based on this description.

what we heard

Caregivers are not only interested in a “care overload insurance” product, but they are also willing to spend ~$540 per year on it - with many willing to pay significantly more.

This insurance is especially of interest to male caregivers, who expressed 9 percentage points more interest than female caregivers in “definitely” purchasing care overload insurance.

Caregiver based on gender who said that they definitely would buy “care overload insurance”
Source: 5,000-person consumer survey, June 2023
I help both my kids and my grandmother with nearly all aspects of their days. I really like this concept and I feel like this could be very helpful given my situation."
Michael, 33
Father of two, cares for his grandmother alongside his kids
I am going through caregiver fatigue. I am a single parent and managing two aging parents and two teenagers. Knowing that someone is looking out for my interests makes all the difference in the world. This would be ideal for someone in my situation.”
satia, 47
Mother of two, lives with and takes care of her parents who are both cancer survivors

how to get started

One of the key barriers to implementing a care overload product successfully is managing adverse selection—people are more likely to buy this coverage when they know they will need to use it. Another barrier is consumers' lack of awareness that this type of product exists. Below are a few ways to address both barriers through a channel strategy and in how the products are packaged and branded.


Use a B2B channel strategy.
To address the risk of adverse selection, develop this product as a B2B model, selling to companies to provide this to their employees. It mitigates the risk of adverse selection and enables capping coverage at a pre-determined amount. Operate as underwriter and administrator, or just one of these roles.
Bundle with other products.
Consider supporting customers beyond the care overload moment by developing a flexible-use lifetime policy that evolves with customer needs over the course of their life. Bundling care overload insurance with life insurance and disability insurance can help make the choice of care overload insurance easier.
Build a brand around care and reassurance.
Position this product around reassurance and support for families. At its core, this is a product that supports peace of mind and direct care. Create the brand around enabling human connection.

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